miscellaneous, random, aimless, FABULOUS Bollywood

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Video: #1 Karaoke pick of the day! Tick Tick Tick

[Eef you come todhay....it's too urly, eef you come tomaarrow.. it's too late] x2
You pick the time.. [Tick tick tick tick tick tick, a-tick tick tick tick tick tick] x2 DAAAARLEENG!! Eef you come todhay....it's too urly, eef you come tomaarrow..it's too late. [Instrumental/dance break] Deed you say maarrrning? No No.. it's naat good Deed you say yevening? No No..It's too bhad! Deed you say noon? Oh nooo it's not the time! Whaaat did you saaaay? Hey Whaaat did you saaay? Nothing??? Oh it's aaalright! (!??!)

You pick the time..[Tick tick tick tick tick tick, a-Tick tick tick tick tick tick] x2 DAAARLEENG!! Eef you come todhay..it's too urly, eef you come tomaarrow...it's too late. [Instrumental/dance break] [Million toms beat in my heart.Million dreams haunt my heart.Million desires pinging (?) my heart..Million memories tease my heaaart] x 2 You pick the time..[Tick tick tick tick tick tick, a-Tick tick tick tick tick tick] x2 Eef you come todhay....it's too urly, Eef you come tomaarrow.. it's too late. You pick the time...[Tick tick tick tick tick tick, a-tick tick tick tick tick tick] x2 DAAARLEENG!!

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