miscellaneous, random, aimless, FABULOUS Bollywood

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Akshay Kumar - Hairy Potter

All things said, Akshay Kumar is a fashion trend setter, whether it's this full sleeve spandex t-shirt with a metallic tank top over it, complemented perfectly by this mustard yellow waist high plastic raincoat pants

fashion, dirty, sexy, hot, funny, fugly, bollywood, pictures, photos, ugly, gallery,bad, hairstyle, clothes, hairy,  akshay kumar,  style, bad clothes,http://polkastripeszebradots.blogspot.com/

or when ever so often he catches us off guard in his homeless look...

fashion, dirty, sexy, hot, funny, fugly, bollywood, pictures, photos, ugly, gallery,bad, hairstyle, clothes, hairy,  akshay kumar,  style, bad clothes,http://polkastripeszebradots.blogspot.com/

But that's not why we crowned him Hairy Potter, it's because what better than not knowing where your hair ends and shirt begins? Seamless, yes, Seamless...

fashion, dirty, sexy, hot, funny, fugly, bollywood, pictures, photos, ugly, gallery,bad, hairstyle, clothes, hairy,  akshay kumar,  style, bad clothes,http://polkastripeszebradots.blogspot.com/

Related Posts:
Akshay Kumar's Rapper's Delight Portfolio!
Bollywood Jungle Fever: I call dibbs on this hunk!
Salman Khan Vs. Akshay Kumar - Battle of the Spandex


Anonymous said...

I come to your blog everyday and have posted many comments, why don't you publish all? BTW - love hairy potterrrrrr

Anonymous said...

Where did you get these pictures from?

I can't get over the spandex outfit and yellow trousers.

Anonymous said...

never realised he was soooo hairy!

Anonymous said...

I have posted several comments but u never print them, please print this one cos i reckon Akshay or should Hairy potter needs my fashion advice and a major fashion overhaul judging by all of the dodgy outfits, at least he had the good sense to get rid of his chest hair.It seems Akshay gets dressed in the dark-hmm my diagnosis is an eye checkup and a good large dose of fashion sense