miscellaneous, random, aimless, FABULOUS Bollywood

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Abhishek Bachchan - Fit and Fashionable

For those of you who say Abhishek Bachchan is not a fashionista or fit - HOLD your horses, cause you might have spoken too soon, check Aby Baby in this glowing chandelier suit, it comes along a free electrical wire, switchboard, splitter and 2 sets of detachable twinkle lights to be used during Christmas!

fashion, dirty, sexy, hot, funny, fugly, bollywood, pictures, photos, ugly, gallery,bad, hairstyle, clothes, abhishek bachchan, aby baby, abhiwarya,  aishwarya rai,  shiny clothes, kurta, concert, sherwani, fat, flabby,unfit, wedding,http://polkastripeszebradots.blogspot.com/

I wonder who inspires Aby Baby's fashion sense? AHHHH...gotcha!


Anonymous said...

i can send you some more pics of this dude, you'd love em!

X said...

OMFG, its Afrika Bambaataa after a stint on "Biggest Loser". ;-)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

abhishek bachchan is ugly ,there is no doubt regarding this fact . he is media propped star ,he looks like gulshan grover